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About Us – Debadhara

About Debadhara Delhi

How We Started the Journey

“Late Guru Debaprasad Das” Our Beloved Guruji

Debadhara, New Delhi is an odishi dance organization, which promotes the synthetic gharana of Late Guru Debaprasad Das.This organization keeps on organizing events to promote and propagate the rich culture of India.

Established in the year 2003, this organisation is single handedly managed by Guru Binayak Panda (Founder of Debadhara).

Late Guru Deba Prasad Das, was an Indian classical dancer, considered by many as one of the four first generation gurus of the Indian classical dance form of Odissi. He was a recipient of the 2009 Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. and 1974 Odisha Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. He was the youngest of the Trinity of Odissi gurus, the others being Guru Pankaj Charan Das and Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra. Together they helped in reviving Odissi, which was on the verge of extinction when India became independent.

The legacy of Guru Debaprasad Das lives on....

Guru Dr. Gajendra Kumar Panda - Mentor Debadhara

Guru Gajendra Kumar Panda has developed to be a foremost custodian of the Late Guru Debaprasad Das parampara of Odissi.

Guru Gajendra Kumar Panda, born in Lokanathpur, Chatarpur (Orissa), has developed to be a foremost custodian of the Late Guru Debaprasad Das parampara of Odissi. He represents one of the most dynamic young Odissi Gurus in Odissi who is making significant contribution to the new Odissi repertoire. Immersed during his childhood in the culturally rich folk tradition of the Ganjam district, he was later fired by the passion for Debaprasad art. Gajendra was ablaze by the passion for Debaprasad art. It was Gaji whom Debaprasad relied upon to remember his dance compositions so that by the time of his death, Gajendra had absorbed almost Debaprasad’s entire existing repertoire.

Gajendra has been visualizing and choreographing new works ever since his Guru’s demise. Gajendra intense Guru Disciple relationship with Debaprasad had inspired Datuk Ramli Ibrahim to conceive the script for “Adoration” which culminated in performances in Singapore, New Delhi, Bhubaneswar and Chennai. “Night of Purnima” was Gajendra’s next choreography. Gajendra participated in several festivals in New York and Chicago organized by the late Indrani Rehman in the year 1996. Highly qualified teacher cum performer from the I.C.C.R. for abroad, he has performed at various festivals in India and abroad and has also conducted many lecture demonstrations. He also has many accolades to his name with add on to the numerous feathers present in his cap.

He has performed at the Konark festival, Khajuraho festival, Chidambaram festival, Mukteshwar festival, Chakradhar samaroh, Uttarardh Mahotsav, 64 Yogini Mahotasav, International Odissi Dance festival etc. He has also performed in various countries, such as Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, USA and many more. He is the director of the organization Tridhara, which continues the legacy of the Late Guru Debaprasad Das and promotes a synthetic gharana of Odissi dance.

Guru Dr. Binayak Panda - Founder Debadhara Delhi

Guru Binayak Panda is amongst the young Odissi dancers, continuing the legacy of the Late Guru Debaprasad Das.

Guru Binayak Panda, born in Lokanathpur, Chatarpur (Orissa), started his dance career at a young age of nine, under the guidance of his elder brother Guru Gajendra Panda. Undergone rigorous training in Odissi dance, he completed his visharad degree from the Akhil Bhartiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal. He has also learnt Odissi Sangeet from Pandit Gopal Chandra Panda. He is one amongst the young Odissi dancers, continuing the legacy of the Late Guru Debaprasad Das. He has performed at many prestigious festivals in India as well as abroad and continues to train young dancers under his guidance. He recently came up with a Odissi Dance Institute, Debadhara.

Debadhara is a pioneering organization which upholds the unique style of Late Guru Debaprasad Das and promotes a synthetic gharana imbibing essence from tribal and folk traditions established in eighties when Guruji was alive, it has imparted training in Odishi Dance and staged performances in many prestigious festivals in India and abroad. This institute continues to organize events in the memory of the Late Guru Debaprasad Das.

Guru Binayak Panda's Disciples

Kumari Ankita

Kumari Ankita

Sr. Disciple

Kumari Ishita

Kumari Ishita

Sr. Disciple

Kumari Jyotsna

Kumari Jyotsna

Sr. Disciple

Debadhara Gallery